What is a toner?
There are many different types of toners, created for different purposes, but the main purpose of a toner is to cleanse and balance the skin’s pH levels. They are meant to be used after you cleanse your face and before you use any other products, like serums or moisturizers.

Why should you use it?
Toners cleanse your skin and purify your pores by removing any leftover dirt and makeup after cleansing and, as well as any residue leftover from your cleanser. 100% Pure toners contain nutrients, botanicals, and herbs to hydrate, nourish, and restore the skin’s pH naturally by protecting the skin’s outer, protective layer called the acid mantle.

What is a hydrosol?
Hydrosols are the steam distillation collected from the extraction of essential oils. This is why our Rose and Lavender Hydrosols smell different than typical essential oils, but they still contain the same medicinal benefits and properties as essential oils.


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